Friday, November 9, 2012

Personal Days are important too

I spent the Day at Oldale today, Darky was kind of tired, I think she may be sick, hopefully tomorrow we'll be back on the road.

Swift(Treecko) Lv8
Darky(Poochyena) Lv4

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Day 001: The First Step in Hoenn

So yesterday, at around lunch time I arrived in Littleroot with my mother, my father was already at the Petalburg gym so I have yet to speak to him since we left Goldenrod.

I was immediately forced by my mother to go speak to the neighbor  who I found out to be a talented trainer named May, whose father was Professor Birch, dad's friend.

As I got to Prof. Birch's Lab I found nothing but an aid of his, he said the professor was in the outskirts of Littleroot so I decided to venture out, unfortunately I was unsure, what with not having any of my old pokémon with me.

I had barely taken a step out of Littleroot when I heard the guy screaming, he was up against a tree, being attacked by a Zigzagoon. He told me to take a pokémon out of his bag to do battle with. Out of the three pokémon I chose a Treecko, due to the fact there were no Dark Type pokémon in the bag.

The battle was relatively quick and we soon went back to the Lab, the Professor gave me the Treecko, who I nicknamed Swift.

I left immediately, went to Oldale, where a shop-keeper gave me a potion in exchange for a few seconds of my time and patience... I wanted to go to Petalburg, but a nerd was in the way, sketching some footprints.

I went along and found May attempting to catch a few pokémon. We decided to battle, and though it was a though one, my Swift eventually overcame her Torchic. She suggested we returned to the Lab, and so I followed her.

When we returned to the Lab, old man Birch gave us these weird devices, he calls them "PokéDex" sort of a high tech Pokémon Encyclopedia that we're supposed to fill up, he also gave us Pokéballs, to get us started on the pokémon-catching routine...

As I was about to return to Oldale, my mom stopped me and gave me a pair of running shoes, which do come in handy.

I found my first Dark Type Pokémon in the tall grass, a female Poochyena, I weakened it and caught it as soon as I had the chance. Nicknamed her Darky, the cute little bugger.

Finally got to Oldale again, to heal up the new team-member. As I left the Center, I saw the nerd saddened in the mittle of the small town. I asked what was wrong, turns out the idiot was sketching his own footprints...

First step on yet another route and I got challenged by a Youngster. Took care of him quick enough, the poor fella could barely fight. After the battle he wined that next time I should warn him that I was strong before we battled...

The day sure was eventful, but it seems like everyone in this region is an idiot... though May might have potential...

Purple's Pokédex:
Swift(Male Treecko) Lv8
Darky(Female Poochyena) Lv4